Can intact male dogs be friends?

Maybe. While it's true that there are plenty of intact males who are not dog-aggressive, dogs can tell when another is unneutered. When an intact male enters a dog park or social group, it's not unusual for other dogs to get their hackles up, both literally and figuratively, and fighting can result.
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Can two male dogs become friends?

In some cases, two dogs of the same sex may get along fine, but some experts feel it is best to choose a new pup of the opposite sex. Same sex dogs may become rivals, and there is a greater chance of competition among the two. If you want to play it safe, team your female dog with a male counterpart and vice versa.
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Do neutered male dogs get along better?

Along with the health benefits, many of the behaviors that people find socially unacceptable in dogs decrease drastically with neutering. This includes: Aggression toward other dogs: Aggression in male dogs will decrease by more than half with altering.
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Is it OK to keep a male dog intact?

Intact male dogs are hormonally motivated to roam, especially if there is an intact female anywhere within sniffing distance (farther than you might think). Off-leash training and hiking in unenclosed areas may have to be avoided until they can be neutered. Make sure yards are secure and always use a leash on walks.
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Can neutered and unneutered male dogs live together?

Yes, two male dogs can live together, but it's generally recommended to neuter both to reduce potential aggression and dominance-related issues.
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Intact dogs are no more aggressive than others, but other factors need to be taken into account

Can two intact male dogs get along?

Can two intact male dogs live together peacefully? Yes.
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Are intact male dogs more aggressive?

While he noted that the number of intact and gonadectomized aggressive dog cases made it appear that intact males were more aggressive than neutered males and that spayed females were more aggressive than intact females, there was no significant difference between the ratio of intact and gonadectomized dogs and the ...
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Do intact male dogs live longer?

The average age of death of intact dogs was 7.9 years versus a significantly older 9.4 years for altered dogs.
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How do you live with an intact male dog?

Behavior Tips for Intact Male Dogs
  1. Use distraction tactics and training.
  2. Identify precursors to humping, including persistent pawing, sniffing, or licking.
  3. Be on alert for other intact males.
  4. Outdoors, confine dogs to leash or properly secured yard.
  5. Separate intact male and female dogs.
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What are the problems with unneutered male dogs?

Lunging/barking at and fighting with other male dogs. Noncompliant, pushy and bossy attitude towards caretakers and strangers. Lack of cooperation. Resistant; an unwillingness to obey commands; refusal to come when called.
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Are male dogs happier after neutering?

Anecdotal reports indicate that neutered dogs appear to be more peaceful, relaxed and happier.
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What is the downside of neutering a male dog?

Increased health risks: While both spaying and neutering come with certain health benefits, they also can lead to a higher risk of other ailments. Some studies indicate older dogs have an increased risk of cruciate ligament rupture, hip dysplasia, incontinence, and tumor development after neutering or spaying.
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Does getting a male dog neutered change their personality?

There is no evidence of a significant or consistent affect of neutering on any other behaviors, including most other forms of aggression.
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Will a male dog accept another male dog?

Before settling on a breed, think about the gender of the dog. For the happiest dogs and the safest household, opposite sex dogs almost always do best together. Many same-sex combinations of dogs will fight, sometimes to the death. Those who work out a dominance order may not fare much better.
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How to introduce two unneutered male dogs?

Introducing two un-neutered males to each other

Introduce the dogs outside on neutral territory, so that neither dog is automatically in guarding mode when they meet. Keep both dogs on a lead, and allow them to see each other and get the barking or greetings out of the way before you move in closer.
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Is it normal for male dogs to not get along?

If the dogs are intact, aggression may be hormone driven. This type of aggression is suspected if intact males are aggressive to other males, if females are aggressive during their heat cycles, or if a mother is protecting her pups. In these cases, spaying and neutering the dogs may help.
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Can intact male dogs play together?

While it's true that there are plenty of intact males who are not dog-aggressive, dogs can tell when another is unneutered. When an intact male enters a dog park or social group, it's not unusual for other dogs to get their hackles up, both literally and figuratively, and fighting can result.
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Is it healthier to keep a male dog intact?

There is no one right answer to the question “is it healthier to not neuter a dog?” Individual characteristics, lifestyles, and health risks will impact what is the best and healthiest choice for YOUR dog. You might choose not to neuter a male dog if your dog is at risk for orthopedic disorders or certain cancers.
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Can you keep unneutered dogs together?

Can 2 Male Un-neutered Males Live Together? The short answer is yes, 2 intact males dogs can live together... Generally speaking, dogs of the opposite sex do better living together so if you have the choice, a female and male dog has a better chance of getting along than 2 dogs of the same sex.
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Do intact male dogs get aggressive?

``Intact'' male dogs can show more aggressive behaviours than their neutered and female counterparts. This is thought to be due to an increase in competitive tendency, which, if not managed well as a puppy, can result in increased displays of aggression as they mature.
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Do intact male dogs smell more?

Castration removes the source of testosterone, the male sex hormone which makes male dogs smell male. Thus, castrated males appear to be less of a threat to other males, which consequently will be less aggressive and combative towards your dog.
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Do intact male dogs bark more?

Hormones, may play a huge part in inappropriate barking. Unneutered male dogs, may become extremely sexually frustrated due to the fact they can smell females in heat up to twelve miles away. Spaying or neutering your pet eliminates sexual frustration.
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What problems do intact male dogs have?

Male dogs that are not neutered can develop a prostate enlargement that can ultimately cause difficulty with urinations and bowel movements. They can also develop infections of the prostate. Other medical conditions that can occur are testicular cancer and tumors around the anal area that require surgery.
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Is it harder to train an intact male dog?

If a dog is not spayed or neutered they will be more easily distracted by their environment due to natural dog behavior that comes along with being intact. An unneutered male will likely be more difficult to train. Some characteristics that make a dog harder or easier to train is their breed, their age, and genetics.
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Is it bad to have an unneutered dog?

Undesirable Behaviors with Unneutered Male Dogs

Heightened territorial behavior. Sexual frustration; excessive grooming of genital area; mounting people or objects. Possessive/overprotective of food and toys. Unwillingness to obey commands; refusal to come when called; pulling on leash.
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