Should I or should I not spay my dog?

To reduce the risk of mammary cancer or pyometra as much as possible, spay your dog before they're seven months old. If you decide to breed your dog and have one litter of puppies, spaying is still recommended after they birth their first litter to reduce their risks.
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Is it better to spay your dog or not?

In Females, spaying decreases the incidence of breast cancer (the rate goes down to almost zero if the spaying is done before the first heat cycle!). It eliminates the chance of developing a serious and potentially fatal infection of the uterus experienced by many mature unspayed animals (pyometra).
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Is it healthy to not spay a female dog?

Female dogs that aren't spayed can also get mammary tumors. About 50 percent of these mammary tumors are malignant and spread to the lungs. Spaying a dog before her first heat cycle decreases her chances of developing mammary tumors to almost 0 percent.
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What happens if you don't spay or neuter your dog?

From a health perspective, male dogs that aren't neutered can develop serious infections of the prostate, as well as testicular cancer and tumors, which can require invasive and expensive surgery. Unspayed female dogs can also cause a whole other set of problems — one big one being that they can get pregnant.
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Do female dogs get nicer after being spayed?

Females may show less aggression towards dogs and humans after they're spayed. By getting your pet spayed, you can also eliminate the chances of hormonally driven defensive behavior. Female dogs will sometimes behave aggressively if other pets or people try approaching or touching their puppies.
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Stop Spaying or Neutering your Dog!!

Are dogs more clingy after being spayed?

Spaying may lead to behavioral changes in your dog, such as increased clinginess, neediness, or vocalization. This behavior is normal and typically temporary as your dog adjusts to her new hormonal state.
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Do female dogs calm down after they are spayed?

Even though there won't be a change in your pet's energy level, the act of having a vet spay or neuter your pet will eliminate or reduce those behaviors that are attributed to their hormones. This includes heat cycles and the associated behaviors in female dogs.
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Why do vets recommend waiting to neuter?

Muscle Maturity helps create a lean physique. Waiting to neuter until 12-24 months allows your dog to reach full muscle maturity and develop a lean physique. Male hormones are more likely to increase your pet's energy and vigor.
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What do female dogs get if not spayed?

Pyometra is the name given to a potentially life-threatening infection of the uterus that can affect female dogs that haven't been spayed. It is most commonly seen in older female unspayed (entire) dogs, but can happen even in younger dogs.
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Can I leave my female dog unspayed?

It is generally recommended that all female dogs are spayed. There are many health benefits and advantages to spaying your dog and spaying also helps reduce the pet overpopulation crisis; however, there is emerging evidence to support delaying the surgery in large breed dogs.
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What is the best age to spay a dog?

Pet parents can get their small- to medium-sized dog spayed/neutered around 6 months of age. Spay/neuter is best at around 5 to 15 months for large-breed dogs. You can get the procedure done at a private veterinarian office or a local spay/neuter clinic.
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Do female dogs live longer if not spayed?

Another study, conducted by Banfield Pet Hospitals on a database of 2.2 million dogs and 460,000 cats reflected similar findings, concluding that neutered male dogs lived 18% longer and spayed female dogs lived 23% longer. Spayed female cats in the study lived 39% longer and neutered male cats lived 62% longer.
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Are female dogs more aggressive if not spayed?

After spaying or neutering, one of the most noticeable changes in both male and female dogs is a decrease in aggression. That's because, as we mentioned before, spaying and neutering decrease hormones that can contribute to aggressive behavior — namely, testosterone in male dogs and estrogen in female dogs.
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What are the cons of spay?

  • Complications due to the surgery itself or being anesthetized.
  • Endocrine issues, especially in dogs with underlying health problems.
  • Greater chance of some types of cancers.
  • Increased risk of orthopedic disorders and soft tissue injuries.
  • Susceptible to urinary issues due to the presence or absence of hormones.
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Is it bad for female dogs not to be spayed?

Pyometra, which is a severe infection of the uterus, can be fatal to dogs and cats when untreated. In intact animals (those that aren't spayed yet), the chronic effect of sex hormones can result in overstimulation of certain cells within the uterus called cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH).
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What are the benefits of not spaying a female dog?

#1: Similar to male dogs, female dogs are typically spayed prior to 1 year of age which impacts healthy, regular growth. Spaying young females significantly increases the risk of osteosarcoma (bone cancer), a common cancer in larger breeds with a poor prognosis.
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Is it okay if I don't spay my dog?

Every heat cycle an intact female dog goes through increases their risk of mammary cancer. Intact females are also at risk of pyometra, which is an infection of the uterus. Pyometra is life threatening and requires emergency spay surgery.
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Do female dogs change after spay?

DOES SPAY/NEUTER CAUSE NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR CHANGES IN DOGS? Many guardians of spayed dogs report significant behavior changes (skittish, aggressive, anxious) after their dog fully recovers from the spay surgery.
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What are the benefits of waiting to spay a female dog?

However, female dogs, especially larger breeds, can benefit from more time to grow and develop before being spayed. This helps to prevent orthopedic problems and some types of cancer.
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Why I chose not to neuter my dog?

Negative Consequences – Reasons Not to Neuter Your Dog

Increased risk of developing cancer and dying of cancer. Increased risk of some orthopedic conditions like cranial cruciate ligament injury, hip and elbow dysplasia. Increased risk of osteoarthritis (affecting some breeds more than others)
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Is 2 years old too late to neuter a dog?

Is it Too Late? The recommended time to spay or neuter a dog is six to nine months. But if your dog is healthy, there is no specific age limit to having the procedure done.
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Why do vets push neutering?

Pro #3: There are health benefits with being fixed.

Females can no longer contract ovarian, uterine and cervical cancer or uterine infections after being spayed and neutering your male dog will help to significantly drop the risk of prostate problems and they can no longer develop testicular cancer.
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What is the best age to get a female dog spayed?

When should I spay my female dog? We recommend waiting until your dog is at least over 6 months and likely even older for larger dogs. The benefits are much more pronounced in larger dogs, but there is not a lot of difference for lap dogs.
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Do female dogs pee more after being spayed?

What are the common side effects of neutering or spaying? Increased thirst and urination. Increased appetite. They increased the panting and licking of their paws and legs (especially on hot days).
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Why do dogs cry after being spayed?

After surgery, your pet will feel pain from the procedure. One way they'll tell you how they're feeling is through panting or whining. Other factors can cause your dog to whine and pant besides pain, such as anxiety, restlessness, or frustration. It's your pet's way of expressing unpleasant feelings.
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