Should mom dog sleep with puppies at night?

If you mean older puppies, still no. She needs to be able to get away from them once they're a little older. Set up a room for her. If the puppies are newborn, you'd do best to sleep in there too for at least the first ten days or so.
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Can I leave my dog alone with her puppies at night?

I would not leave mom and pups during the first week for more than 3 to 4 hours. As the pups grow they can be left with their momma for the same time you would leave any dog: no more that 6 hours without someone to check in and walk your dog.
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How long should mom sleep with puppies?

The ideal time

Eight weeks after birth, the puppy is eating solid food on their own, they have benefited from socializing with litter-mates and observing mom, and they are well within the ideal timeframe to bond with new owners.
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Do I let newborn puppies sleep with mom?

Yes, as long as she does not lie ON them. Shift them down toward her nipples now and then and encourage them to nurse and her to tend them and rest. Newborn puppies should nurse most of the time. Weigh them twice a day.
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Can my dog sleep away from her puppies?

Newborn pups need to be with their mother and the maternal instinct usually means a mother dog will want to stay with her litter most of the time. If your dog is lying or sitting away from the litter for long periods, it's likely she may have rejected them.
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Should a mother dog be with her puppies all the time?

Normally the new mother will spend most of her time with the puppies. For the first few days it may be difficult to get her to leave the nest even to go to the bathroom. However, it is important that she continue to urinate and defecate normally.
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When can puppies sleep through the night without nursing?

Most puppies will sleep through the night by the time they're about 4 months (16 weeks) old. But with some help, diligence, and proactive training, you may be able to get your puppy there even earlier!
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How long do puppies stay in a whelping box?

As soon as the puppies' eyes open, they rapidly mature physically. By two weeks, they should be alert and trying to stand. They should be trying to climb out of their nest or whelping box by three weeks.
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Why does a mother dog lay on her puppies?

Once a dog gives birth to her puppies, two different hormones contribute to her motherly instincts. The first is oxytocin, sometimes called the “love hormone.” It's what drives a mother dog to nuzzle her puppies or wrap around them to keep them warm while nursing.
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What is the most critical time for newborn puppies?

“The neonatal period from birth to 3 days of age is a critical stage for puppies,” cautions Dr. Smith.
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When should you separate puppies from mom?

It's best to keep a puppy with their mom and litter until they are at least 8 weeks old, but more breeders are starting to keep litters together until puppies are 10 to 12 weeks old. This provides a few extra weeks for crucial dog-dog interactions with siblings and their mother.
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How do I keep my newborn puppy warm at night?

Position the box half-on half-off a heating pad (rather than placing the heating inside the box.) This way the puppy can crawl off the heat source should the pad grow too hot. Cover the floor with a towel, blanket or puppy pads.
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Do newborn puppies sleep through the night?

Your puppy probably won't be able to sleep through the night until they are 16 weeks old. (Around 4 months old.) This is about the same time that they develop enough muscle and bladder control that they can hold everything in long enough to last all night without a trip outside to the toilet.
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How often should I check on newborn puppies?

They should be checked every few hours to ensure they are warm and well fed. The mother should be checked to make certain that she is producing adequate and normal-appearing milk. "The puppies should be kept warm and should nurse frequently."
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Can puppies be left alone in the dark?

Puppies are no different than adult dogs when it comes to darkness. They can't see well in it, and it might make them a bit nervous! The bottom line? No matter how old your canine companion is, keep your house lit if you leave him alone!
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Does my dog need a break from her puppies?

Once the pups are old enough, at a about 2 to 3 weeks, you can provide a separate area for the mother. It should be very close to the whelping box with easy access. However, having a separate bed will give her a break. Let her take breaks after the first month.
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How do I get my mom dog to stop laying on her puppies?

You can help by making sure she is has a quiet place to raise her pups, watch her carefully the first few days (and nights) and use a whelping box with rails to prevent her from accidentally laying over them.
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Is it OK to leave newborn puppies alone?

Age is one of the most important factors to consider when thinking about how long you can leave a dog home alone while at work or having fun. According to the American Kennel Club, puppies younger than 10 weeks cannot be left alone for more than an hour.
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Why does my dog keep bringing me her puppies?

It is their way of showing how comfortable they feel around you and how much trust goes into your relationship. It could also be that the momma is extremely proud of her puppies and she simply wants to show them off.
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Should you put blankets in a whelping box?

Towels or blankets can be used, however, there are disadvantages to their use. First, very young puppies can get trapped or lost underneath when trying to find their mother. They also can easily be crushed by their mother if they are hiding underneath.
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Should you cover a whelping box?

Cotton blankets in summer and woollen blankets in winter are the best and easiest means of covering the bottom of the whelping boxes. Have a thick layer of newspaper underneath followed by the blanket on top. A daily change of the top cover, particularly with large litters, keeps the puppies clean and dry.
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Should I sleep near the whelping box?

Interactions Between the Mother and Puppies

By the time the puppies are 2-3 weeks old, the mother should have an area near the whelping box, but separate from the puppies to allow her time to rest.
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Should puppies nurse all night?

They should eat every two to three hours from the time you wake until you go to sleep. Thankfully, overnight feedings are usually not necessary if you stick to this schedule, and the frequency of feedings can be decreased gradually as the pup gets closer to four weeks of age.
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Can puppies go all night without nursing?

If you have an orphan, try to feed him every four to six hours around the clock. You can move more toward every six hours in a week or so. By the time the puppy is about six weeks old, he should be able to handle waiting overnight, as long as “overnight” means eight hours, not twelve hours.
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How long can puppies go without nursing?

Newborn puppies should nurse at least every 2 hours for the first week or two of life. After this, they can stretch the feeding times to 3-4 hours, as long as they are still gaining weight and doing well. Once the puppies are 3 to 4 weeks old, you can begin the weaning process by giving them access to puppy food.
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