About a year and a half ago, my dog, Roman, had to go into 24 hour emergency. He ate a large raw steak from the trash and gained the disease Pancreatitis. His pancreas was inflamed and swelling up. After a day and a half, we got him back and they told us how well he was reacting to the IV and medications. We were so happy to see him and he was such a happy 12 year old puppy (now 14). They never said anything negative about his night over and said that he should be healthy again. Well, a year and a half goes by and we're noticing a lot of differences with him. He's crying when by himself (so a bit more needy), dislikes long walks, and has blurry vision. But the main one we've noticed is couch licking. Every time he gets on the couch, he has to lick every part around him. He never did that before. And we've noticed this new habit because we always need to clean the couches (leather) after he licks it. Do you think that my dog had a stroke when in the emergency room and they just didn't say anything? Do vets tell their patients' owners about anything negative if they ended up leaving positive?