[QUOTE][SIZE=4][FONT=georgia]It works simply: You put the dog poop into the large container, where it is digested by bacteria, creating methane gas, which can then be used to light a lamp. Biogas digesters like this are often used on landfills or for large amounts of cow manure, but it's unusual to see it on such a small, human scale.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][FONT=georgia][URL='http://www.good.is/post/streelights-powered-by-dog-poop1/']Streetlights Powered by Dog Poop[/URL][/FONT][/SIZE] [/QUOTE] [SIZE=4][FONT=georgia]The concept is amazing. A little ingenuity goes a long way. Now, if only we had dog parks back here. I've heard studies regarding biogas digesters here in my country. Unfortunately, due to the lack of funding, these remarkable researchers and scientists are unable to pursue their researches here.[/FONT][/SIZE]