How does your dog do in the rain? I am thinking about it because we just had three major rain storms in a row. At times, it poured heavy for hours and it was windy. I am happy to say that once I get Misha out the door (she can mount a pretty good defense on the throw rugs) she is pretty good in the rain. She'll do her business fairly easily. The wind is what gets her. I have to have her on leash in the yard when it's really windy. Otherwise, she panics and runs wild trying to escape it. My Lab did not like the rain. The first year of her life she tried to attack the rain drops. After that, she would go out but it took a lot of work. Our Collie would not go out in the rain at all. I think I mentioned this before. She would not do her business until my brother came home from work. He carried her to the lawn and she would go. Crazy, eh? Does your dog mind the rain? I imagine some of you live in places that have serious rainfall for several months of the year.