
Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by haopee, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. haopee

    haopee Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
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    The term "mangy mutt" is used to describe a filthy dog, In reality, nobody would want a mangy dog because aside from the constant scratching, there's also a tendency that the parasite will transfer to humans (sarcoptic mange). So how does one protect a dog from contracting mange?

    First of all, parasites are present in all dogs. However, when a dog's health or immune system weakens, these parasites grab that opportunity to wreak havoc on our pets. Most dogs prone to mange are puppies and senior dogs. This is the reason why some vets insist on vitamins, proper dieting, and exercise. These three things help in keeping them healthy.

    Mange can be very itchy. Some dogs end up with wounds because of the unbearable itch. Humans who contract sarcoptic mange also experience itching and rashes. I was one of the unfortunate ones who caught mange from my puppy. I had to bathe with sulfur soap for more than a month.

    Some symptoms of mange in dogs are excessive scratching, crusty skin, and patchy areas of bald spots.

    In my experience, one of the most effective medicines in treating mange would be Bayer Advocate. This was used to treat my dog's mange and they even have it for puppies.
    haopee, Mar 18, 2012
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