I don't currently have a picture of him on my computer, he has actually passed though. He was in too much pain from cancer in his shoulder, so we had to euthanize him. He could barely walk without yipping in pain. It was a very sad time for us. I actually cried so much when he was gone. I went to the vet with him and held on to him until the very last second and then I broke down. I'll get off the sad topic though. He had an awesome personality. He was part Chow Chow and part Samoyed, which was nice because then he didn't have the pushed in face that pure bred Chow Chow's have. Whenever we would walk across the kitchen with food, he would start doing what we would call "the bear dance." Since he was so hairy, he could've been comparable to a bear. But he would stand up on his hind legs and actually hop around the kitchen. It was so adorable. He was a very laid back type of dog. He especially enjoyed chasing bunnies in the back yard.