I took my ma and pa on a holiday to Bruny Island at a place called Cloudy Bay. It's off the coast of Tasmania, an island, south of the island, of Australia. Confused? Just google [B]Bruny Island[/B] and there it is. Paradise.This time I convinced them to take the row boat and not the kayaks. They tried catching fish but gave up. The oysters on the rocks were much easier to collect. Some were a foot long with the oyster inside at 4". True. I played Frisbee with Pa and went for lots of walks and chased a lot of sea gulls. Now I am so tired I and can hardly stay awake. Photo of me and dad in the row-boat. [IMG]http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s320x320/66403_367062233345641_100001256018404_1067762_215615631_n.jpg[/IMG]