Pet Arthritis

Discussion in 'Dog Chat' started by Trellum, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A very useful info graph for all the pet owners out there, we need to spread more awareness on this disease that can affect both dogs and cats.

    Trellum, Sep 5, 2015
    claudine likes this.
  2. Trellum

    Winterybella Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    West Indies
    I am thinking this could apply to me as well and can use some of the tips. I was editing an article on arthritis in humans recently. Learned a lot eventhough I never got to finish the article.
    Thanks for info Trellum. You are sure to keep us educated. The one who has to concern me most with this is Remy as she is the oldest. So far so good with her though and I should really take them swiming and see how that goes.
    Winterybella, Sep 5, 2015
  3. Trellum

    IcyBC Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    Arthritis is painful; I know as I have it! I can't imagine how painful it is for the animals when they can't even tell us what bothering them. I have some times with Capone, and I hope I will recognize what's wrong with him when he gets to that stage of life.
    IcyBC, Sep 6, 2015
  4. Trellum

    Winterybella Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    West Indies
    So they tell me as well, so I am guessing that's the reason I ache so much each day. I'd hate for my girls to have to be in pain like that what feels like 24/7 sometimes. It's such a way of life for me I try to not stress about it. I think I could benefit from the tips especially when it comes to the exercise aspect.
    Winterybella, Sep 6, 2015
    IcyBC likes this.
  5. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    @IcyBC Yeah, my mom always says that about the dogs... they can't say a word :( At least we can do that and get help, I think pet arthritis is so damn hard to diagnose.

    @Winterybella Aw, why couldn't you finish it?
    Trellum, Sep 6, 2015
  6. Trellum

    IcyBC Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    My shoulders and wrists are constantly in pain but we do go on with life as if nothing is wrong with us, isn't it? I have known people who complaints about their ache and pain every time they open their mouths, but for me I just kept quiet! I wish my pain would just show up in big red dots to see if they would stop complaint and realize that other people are also in pain too.
    IcyBC, Sep 7, 2015
    Winterybella likes this.
  7. Trellum

    Winterybella Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    West Indies
    It was like a rewrite as the original was very poor. Usually you'll get ten days before the work in released and it just got returned to the edits list. No one has grabbed it yet. Maybe I'll grab it again since I have already done so much research. What's more I have to be in the mood for editing and I have been a little out of sorts recently. Maybe the very arthritis has been contributing to my general lack of will power. My dogs in that kind of pain is just not good news.

    IcyBC, at least we can say something to the doctor..The poor girls can't say a word. My last Rottie had it and it was awful. What was worse is that we allowed him to live with the discomfort. We were more ignorant back then. My son kept insisting he does not want his down to be killed. The truth is we just allowed him to suffer too much thinking we were allowing him a longer life. By the time we decided to end it for him, he was very, very ill. It almost killed me to watch him being taken away. I don't like to talk about it but I just did. Tommy was his name.
    Winterybella, Sep 7, 2015
  8. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    @Winterybella I see, I have had to do similar work like that before, sadly I am too busy for that kind of work lately ;) Studying for an exam that might open the doors to me and completely change my life. Wish me luck, hopefully a good job is on the way for me :) A very good one, but it might take some time ;) Like most good things in life.
    Trellum, Sep 8, 2015
    IcyBC likes this.
  9. Trellum

    Winterybella Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    West Indies
    I was actually thinking to introduce you to the editing and writing site which I found online but wasn't sure you'd be interested. I wish you well in the exams. I am confident you will do well. As for that job I hope you get something that makes you happy. I am approaching the big 50 next year God's willing and I feel like I am now finding what I think I could enjoy for life. The other day I started a blog about my pets and then I deleted it out of feeling incompetent re the technical aspects. I'll be rooting for you.

    And when you get that very good job, you'll be able to have a small dog you can take to work with you.
    Winterybella, Sep 8, 2015
  10. Trellum

    IcyBC Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    I wish you great success with your exam and get that fantastic job!
    IcyBC, Sep 8, 2015
  11. Trellum

    claudine Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    I hope you'll find a great job, Trellum!:)

    This graph is very informative. To be honest, I didn't know much about arthritis before visiting this thread. It sounds like a horrible disease. Fortunately, my Homer is very healthy and always full of energy:)
    claudine, Sep 9, 2015
  12. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Thank you very much, you are so sweet! I hope so too, i just hope I recover soon, I've been dealing with a lot health issues lately, last 4 days/nights been hell for me, been admitted to the ER 3 times in just 4 days. I'm hopeful everything will be ok soon though :) Thank you and best of luck with your projects as well!

    Thank you :) I hope so too! I hope I can soon tell yo guys I did it, since I lost my job last year things have been tough, but I need to be hopeful and just wait and see :) Staying positive.

    I'm glad you liked it :) I feel so happy when I read you guys liked one of the info graphs I shared or that you found them useful. There are so many new things to learn :)
    Trellum, Sep 9, 2015
  13. Trellum

    IcyBC Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    @Trellum three ER times in just 4 days? That is scary! I hope you are feeling better soon and back on your feet somewhat! Don't push your body too much, but listen to it. I know it is easier say than done, since I just went through it by pushing my body too far, and then I was down and out for three days.
    IcyBC, Sep 9, 2015
  14. Trellum

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    @IcyBC Oh no, what happened? Was it because of the food poisoning you mentioned earlier? Do you know what caused it? I'm not sure what caused my severe almost choking to death allergic reaction, that is what scares me most. I hope you know what caused your food poisoning. You know? If I eat bad food I get severe allergic reactions, but rarely food poisoning. It's so odd! I'm feeling better today, no itch and no swollen 3x bigger lips and nose, lol. The hives is my mouth are gone :) I can breathe well, I feel hopeful i'll be ok.
    Trellum, Sep 10, 2015
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