During last year's summer, there was a rabies scare in our area. The local government issued a declaration that rabies is being spread by stray dogs. It was a good campaign because we noticed that stray dogs were not that prevalent anymore in the streets. But from my point of view, I think that is only the ploy of the local government because they cannot catch the stray dogs because the owners would be quarreling with them. And to avoid arguments, they sent out that declaration. On the other hand, if that rabies scare is true, it would be easy to spread if there are stray dogs. Fortunately we don't allow our dogs to go our of our fence. They can only get out when riding in the car. There are stray dogs right here in our street but I cannot do anything because I know the owners and they are stubborn to the idea of keeping their dogs on a leash or in a cage. They say it is cruelty, huh.