I can't believe this story. It doesn't seem possible. A poodle was hit by a car in Massachusetts. The driver did not realize they hit a dog. They drove all the way to Rhode Island before someone pointed the dog out. The dog has a concussion and a possible bladder injury. Other than that it is doing fine. They are trying to find the owner. The only part that gets me is no one along the 11 mile drive noticed the dog in the car's grille until they got to the very end. [url]http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/lucky-dog-poodle-mix-hit-by-car-wedged-into-grill-survives-11-mile-ride-from-mass-into-ri/2012/10/02/f549c5dc-0c83-11e2-97a7-45c05ef136b2_story.html[/url]