When did you get your dog neutered or spayed?

Discussion in 'Dog Chat' started by dashboardc33, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. dashboardc33

    dashboardc33 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2012
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    My dog is 3 and is still not spayed. Her heat cycles are annoying, but we all deal with them okay. I am waiting for her to not be so hyper and then I would really like to breed her. After she has her first litter, I am probably going to get her spayed. Does anyone have a dog who is pretty old and is still not spayed?
    dashboardc33, Jul 31, 2012
    Trellum likes this.
  2. dashboardc33

    Jessi Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    I've only ever had male dogs personally, and those I don't always get neutered. Dealing with the female cycles would make me want to spay sooner than later, but I suppose I'd just deal if I were planning on her having puppies.
    Jessi, Jul 31, 2012
  3. dashboardc33

    Melody Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2012
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    We had thoughts of breeding our Collie, the dog I had in high school, so she wasn't spayed. Every time she went into heat we'd find male dogs jumping the fence to get at her. It happened every time she was in heat. It's lovely to hear all the action, and then, try to get to a garden hose so you can separate them before it's too late. I decided when I got my Lab I'd spay her as soon as it was possible.

    Since I don't plan to breed my dogs, I had my last two spayed at 6 months. The Vet recommended it as it's better for their health. There is just no way I'm going through the same stuff we did with our Collie.
    Melody, Jul 31, 2012
  4. dashboardc33

    argon_0 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2012
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    Too many puppies in the past that we decided to get Mishka spayed at an early age.There's never been problems because of it and I think Mishka is the closest any of our dogs have been to us.:)
    argon_0, Aug 1, 2012
  5. dashboardc33

    claudine Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    I haven't got Homer neutered but I'm starting to think that maybe I should. He has been sitting in the garden since yesterday... and he howls:eek: . He fell in love (let's call it this way, lol:p ) with a random female dog in the park and now he misses her. I'm pretty sure that it drives my neighbours insane. I've been trying to distract him but so far, it hasn't helped.
    claudine, May 27, 2013
  6. dashboardc33

    zararina Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    We have not spayed or neutered any of our dogs ever since because they are usually stay inside the compound. And we are not breeding them.
    zararina, May 30, 2013
  7. dashboardc33

    Lokitns Member

    May 19, 2013
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    I get my dogs neutered pretty much as soon as I get them from the shelter (if for whatever reason they aren't already). But I've recently had two given to me by irresponsible owners, both of whom needed to be neutered and we went ASAP. Granted we have many, MANY, female dogs in our vicinity of our home we didn't want the little rascals leaping fences to try and find a date. It also helped with their marking and territorial behavior without changing their true personality, which is something I was worried about.
    Lokitns, Jun 1, 2013
  8. dashboardc33

    MzMonka Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2013
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    Upstate NY
    It depends on what you are comfortable with along with what your vet is comfortable with. I know most will wait until after the first heat to fix a female. So with that you are looking at anywhere from 6 months to 18 months depending on when the dog comes into heat. My 5 year old will probably be getting fixed in the next year depending on how this years show go. I tend to wait because you can't show an altered dog. If she lets me know she is done with the show ring come October I will make her an appointment to get fixed. I have fixed all my little dogs though. My male at a year and the females around 2 because for some reason my chihuahua's didn't come in until they were 18 months.
    MzMonka, Jun 1, 2013
  9. dashboardc33

    haopee Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
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    I agree. My neutered dogs hardly fight. Compared to the ones living at my sisters, the ones that are with my mom are a lot calmer and friendlier. Since we have more than 10 dogs here, it's like total chaos. They keep on challenging each other which can end up in a really bad fight. So every night, we put the rambunctious ones in a crate until the morning. At 5 AM, the crate is opened so they can enjoy the rest of the day.

    As MzMonka mentioned, it's advisable to have them neutered as early as 6 months. Although some vets advise later because there sacs don't drop that early which makes the procedure more difficult.
    Hi. I have read some of the rules on dog shows. I was wondering why show ring dogs can't be altered. Does it have something to do with their appearance? Or behavior? Wouldn't it make it a lot easier for a handler to take care of a dog that's already fixed rather than one who's rather giddy at the sight of female dogs in heat?

    Also, if a female dog is in heat, is she allowed to participate in a dog show or not?
    haopee, Jun 2, 2013
  10. dashboardc33

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    I do. I actually have the same plans as you @dashboardc33 I have two female dogs, but I'd like them to experience motherhood first and then I plan to neuter them. I think that's the best option for all. I just want them to experience motherhood so I don't feel guilty I forced them to miss on something.
    Trellum, Dec 30, 2013
  11. dashboardc33

    claudine Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    This sounds like the most reasonable solution:) Do you plan to keep the puppies? Or maybe you'll give them away? If Homer had puppies, I'd probably keep them:) It would be lovely to have more than one Yorkie.
    claudine, Dec 30, 2013
  12. dashboardc33

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    I'd love to keep one of each :) You know, so I can always have something that reminds me of them both :) So I can say those dogs have been in the family for years, lol. As for the rest of the puppies... I'd try really hard to find good homes for them; mostly people close to us that we know well :)
    Trellum, Dec 31, 2013
  13. dashboardc33

    claudine Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    It's a wonderful idea to keep one of each:)! This way, your dogs won't miss their children and you'll have adorable puppies that look like your dogs:D
    It must be extremely stressful to look for new homes for puppies. If I had to gave away Homer's puppies, I'd probably start stalking their new owners to make sure they're good and responsible people;)
    claudine, Dec 31, 2013
  14. dashboardc33

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Yeah :) I'd keep only females tho, I think it'd be nice!! Because my dogs would have other dogs to play with. But yeah, looking for new homes for those puppies would be really stressing! I know a couple of good people tho :) I'm sure they'll be willing to adopt one puppy, I've asked some of them already :)
    Trellum, Jan 3, 2014
  15. dashboardc33

    claudine Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    I'm used to male dogs, so I think I'd only keep Homer's sons. I'm wondering if he would be jealous of them, too. Usually, he doesn't let me pet any other dogs;)
    claudine, Feb 12, 2014
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