Worse than anticipated

Discussion in 'Dog Chat' started by LilAnn, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. LilAnn

    LilAnn Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2015
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    The rain has kept me from having the yard mowed. My husband says if it isn't raining he plans on mowing when he gets off work. The grass is almost as tall as the puppy! But more importantly, when I take her out to potty she loves playing in the grass, and when she gets done she is covered in fleas. I have used a drop solution, and Adams mist. And I have tried salting the carpet and then vacuuming it up. I thought I really had this situation handled, but I was wrong. I got a new product from the coop. It has to be very diluted but it can work as a dip, a most on the dogs, and a spray on the furniture and carpet. But even though, she brings in a lot of fleas (a butt load every hour or so). And they get on the furniture and the carpet just. Any preventative ideas you could share with me?
    LilAnn, Jun 2, 2015
  2. LilAnn

    LilAnn Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2015
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    I went to the coop to see what they suggested. I bought some dip. All of them got it but little Ann was the real test... So far, when she comes in after going potty, she has a few she picked up from the grass, but she isn't covered like she has been.

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    LilAnn, Jun 3, 2015
  3. LilAnn

    IcyBC Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    Tall grass, short grass, bushes, dog park, groomer's place etc..they all have fleas! It is summer here, so those fleas smell warm blood! Capone caught it twice already this year, not very bad, but it was very irritating as I am also became a victim to those blood suckers.

    I those Hartz flea thingy to put on Capone's back and it didn't work at all and my grass is also short. We just give him the flea bath mixture, and will keep doing it every few weeks.
    IcyBC, Aug 15, 2015
  4. LilAnn

    LilAnn Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2015
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    I tried everything, in every brand. I finally got some homemade soap the neighbor makes and sells Its for dogs and people, helps with chigger, fleas, and such. I leave it on for about 5 minutes, and that will actually buy me a couple of days. Its the only solution that's worked at all. Oddly enough, though, is still no ticks. I mean we've had a few. but just one hear and there.
    LilAnn, Aug 15, 2015
  5. LilAnn

    joycemcgregor Active Member

    Mar 29, 2015
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    Here in North Alabama, I fight the battle of the fleas also. I use dip and I flea comb, dropping the fleas I comb off of little Sadie into a soapy water solution. I just keep combing several times a day. I also have salted the rug, left it there for a couple of hours and then vacumn it up. I also use seven dust on the rugs and under furniture cusions and under the furniture. It is just a never ending battle. The fleas are especially bad after it has rained. Thankfully fleas must not like the way I taste because they do not bother me.
    joycemcgregor, Aug 15, 2015
  6. LilAnn

    LilAnn Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2015
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    Fleas love the way I taste. Almost as much as mosquito do. How are you doing with ticks down there?
    LilAnn, Aug 15, 2015
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